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滚动:东区百余名校长到访我校,齐聚一堂共探国际教育新发展 Explore the International Education

2023-05-25 04:17:51来源:互联网

On the morning of February 16, 2023, the international forum was held in Sias IS .The forum, which organized by the Education, Culture and Sports Bureau of Zhengdong New District (hereinafter referred to as the Education, Culture and Sports Bureau) and hosted by Sias International School(hereinafter referred to as Sias IS). The forum has achieved great success. Mr. Zhang Ligang, Director of Education, Culture and Sports Bureau, and Ms. Bai Jing, Deputy Director of Education, Culture and Sports Bureau, attended the forum and delivered a speech. Wayne Wang, Manager of Sias Group, Executive Director of Sias IS Board,Dr. Sam E.Mills, Head of school at Sias IS, and Addie Christian, Academic Principal at Sias IS, also attended the forum. Hundreds of principals from kindergartens, Primary schools and Middle schools in Zhengdong New District also attended the meeting. The purpose of this forum is to visit, study and learn the advanced experience and practices of international education at Sias IS and to enhance the understanding of good international education cooperation and exchange in the new stance.



The forum began with an opening speech by Bai Jing, Deputy Director of Education, Culture and Sports Bureau. She welcomed the principals from Zhengdong New District and hoped that the principals can deeply understand the new concept of international education through this forum, and help to promote the future high-quality development of education in Zhengdong New District.


Dr. Sam E. Mills, Head of school at Sias IS, then introduced the establishment and development of Sias IS and the philosophy of international education, as well as the curriculum and standards used by Sias IS. He elaborated the school"s student-centered principle and the importance of parental involvement in the development of the school.


After this, principals were divided by groups take turns to tour the campus and experience the learning at Sias IS by participating different learning stations in MPR. During the tour, principals learned about the school"s facilities and learning environment, observe live classes to see how students involved in learning and the student-teacher interaction. In the learning stations in MPR, the coordinators at Sias IS presented the teaching model and the inquiry program. Students from different grades presented their inquiry programs. The parent representatives shared their feelings about the differences in international education and the impact of international education on their children.


After the tour and learning experience, the principals returned to the Lecture Hall to share their perceptions of international education and their observations of different education models with Dr. Sam, Head of School at Sias IS.


After the communication and Q&A session, Zhang Ligang, Director of Education, Culture and Sports Bureau, gave a speech, in which he pointed out that the forum was held to invite Sias IS to share about international education concepts and teaching methods, aiming to enhance the level of international education development in Zhengdong New District and provide innovative ideas for the development of elementary education. He pointed, promoting the international education is an inevitable trend in economic globalization. To carry forward the internationalization of education in Zhengdong New District, we will focus on three aspects. Firstly, to expand the international cooperation field in all aspects. Secondly, to build a school as a window to absorb the essence and sharing learning experience of the international education in Zhengdong New District. Thirdly, to pursue international education continuously. All schools in the district should rely on the high-quality international education resources at Sias IS and continue to learn the successful international education experience from Sias IS, so as to promoting the elementary education to a new level.


At the end of the forum, Bai Jing ,Deputy Director of the Education, Culture and Sports Bureau, gave a closing speech, saying that throughthe forum, she was impressed by the beautiful and international environment at Sias IS , and expressed her gratitude to Dr. Sam E.Mills , Head of School at Sias IS and other staffs for their supportand sharing.She told all the principals of the Zhengdong New District to follow the instructions in Director Zhang"s speech and keep learning international education, so as to inject continuous vitality into the high-quality development of education in the Zhengdong New District.


At the end of the International Education Forum, all principals took a group picture at Sias IS and the forum has achieved a great success.


As the window to promote international education in Zhengdong New District, Sias IS is co-founded by the Administrative Committee of Zhengdong New District and the Sias Group. Our students are taught the Common Core standards from the United States using the International Baccalaureate (IB) inquiry-based curriculum. We have about 200 Students who are taught in English by foreign faculty representing 19 different countries from around the world. At present we have nearly 40 foreign faculty.Sias IS will earn IB Primary Years Program (PYP), Middle Years Program (MYP), and Diploma Program (DP), authorization to become the first full contimuum IB School in Henan. Additionally, we are in the process of earning WASC accreditation which will grant Sias IS the ability to offer an internationally recognized diploma to our graduation students.






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